Upperself este genul de loc unde te poți regăsi pe tine însuți prin simplul fapt că primești ghidanță bună; ce e frumos e că răspunsurile pe care le primești, nu le primești din altă parte ci vin tot de la tine, la probleme care poate înainte ți se păreau fără soluție.

Nowadays, when we have instant access to knowledge, we hear more and more about the need for self-knowledge. Among the information clutter we seem to have lost ourselves and the multiple masks we wear daily seem to have overshadowed our authentic self.
Upperself kits were conceived as a set of concrete tools to guide people towards the discovery of self-potential, and unleash interior forces: barriers acknowledged, interior profile once known and mastered, once the pieces of puzzle put together, new perspectives open. Yes, self-actualization can be taught, step-by-step. It is not a gift, not a granted good but a practiced discipline.
Self-knowledge and discovery is the fundament of a balanced, healthy, happy life and it can be consciously achieved. It is the premise for interior freedom and authenticity.
It is true it assumes courage – the courage to face your true self, fears, barriers and the power to internalize positively whatever your life brings in.
Cost/session: 300 lei